Apple Pie Cake! A layer cake recipe with hints of cinnamon and nutmeg, fresh apple pie filling, buttercream frosting and braided pie crust lattice.
For the Cinnamon Brown Sugar Cake:
For the Apple Pie Filling:
For the Vanilla Buttercream Frosting:
For the Pie Crust Inside the Cake, Accents, & Braid:
For the Pie Crust Lattice:
Make the Cake:
Make the Apple Pie Filling:
Make the Vanilla Buttercream Frosting:
Make the Pie Crust Inside the Cake, Accents, & Braid:
Make the Pie Crust Lattice:
Assemble the Cake:
* If filling appears too thick while cooking, add a bit of water. I let mine sit in the fridge overnight, so it thickened up quite a bit. You can microwave it in 30 second intervals to thin it out and bring to room temperature.
** Ensure there is NO trace of egg yolks in your whites and that your mixer bowl and whisk is completely grease free or your meringue may not stiffen.
*** The buttercream may look like it’s curdled at some point. Keep mixing until it is completely smooth.
**** The lattice will be very fragile so be careful when removing from cake ring and transferring to cake. I had many, many pieces break, even the ones on the final cake (you can hide some of the broken ones in the back).
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